
Shoulder Labrum Tear

What You Need to Know

  • 肩唇是附着在肩关节窝边缘的一块厚厚的组织,它有助于保持关节球的位置.
  • 阴唇可以以几种不同的方式撕裂:1)完全从骨头上撕下来, 2) within or along the edge of the labrum, or 3) where the bicep tendon attaches.
  • 诊断唇唇撕裂需要身体检查,最可能的是核磁共振成像,CT扫描和/或 arthroscopy of the shoulder.
  • 治疗取决于类型,严重程度和位置的唇撕裂.

What is the labrum?

The labrum is a type of cartilage found in the shoulder joint. 肩膀是手臂与身体相接的球窝关节. 臂骨(肱骨)在肩部形成一个球体,与关节窝相接, which is part of the shoulder blade. 这两块骨头是由韧带连接起来的,韧带是一种坚韧的组织,可以形成绳索,将骨头固定在一起.

There are two kinds of cartilage in the joint. 第一种是骨头末端的白色软骨(关节软骨),它允许骨头在彼此之间滑动和移动. 当这种类型的软骨开始磨损(一种称为关节炎的过程), the joint becomes painful and stiff. The labrum is a second kind of cartilage in the shoulder, which is distinctly different from the articular cartilage. 这个软骨比球和窝两端的软骨纤维性更强或更坚硬. 而且,这种软骨也只存在于它附着的窝周围.

What is the function of the labrum?

The labrum has two functions. The first is to deepen the socket so that the ball stays in place. Picture the shoulder joint as a beach ball on a dinner plate. 肱骨球(“沙滩球”)比平窝(“餐盘”)大得多。. 韧带是连接骨头和骨头的绳索,将骨头连接在一起,帮助将球固定在臼内. The other way the ball is kept in the socket is the labrum.

唇状软骨是附着在眼窝边缘的一种厚组织或软骨,本质上形成了一个保险杠,可以加深眼窝,帮助保持球的位置. 对于那些阴唇太小或因受伤而撕裂的人, 球可能滑出臼内部分(半脱位)或全部滑出臼外(脱位)。. 唇状部一直围绕着眼窝,在大多数地方都牢牢地附着在眼窝的骨头上. In some areas it is not firmly attached. 直到最近,专家们才确定哪些部分是正常的,哪些部分反映了阴唇撕裂.

唇的第二个功能是作为关节周围其他结构或组织的附着物. For example, 帮助保持关节在一起的韧带附着在唇的某些关键部位. If there is an injury to the shoulder that tears the ligaments, sometimes the labrum is pulled off of the rim of the bone as well.

This injury usually involves a subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder and is usually due to trauma. 肩关节球可能脱位于肩关节前部(称为前脱位),也可能脱位于肩关节后部(称为后脱位)。. In either case the labrum can be torn off of the bone. 通常当这种情况发生时,阴唇不会在正确的位置愈合. 关节是否继续不稳定取决于许多因素.

另一个附着在唇上的结构是二头肌的肌腱. 二头肌是手臂前部的肌肉,当肘部弯曲时,它会变得结实. While this muscle is quite large, 它变成了一根铅笔大小的小肌腱,附着在肩关节内部. 在肌肉的另一端是附着在前臂肘部的大肌腱. 附着在肩膀上的部分实际上是通过一个小孔在肩袖肌腱上,这个小孔是专门为这个肌腱设计的.

Once inside the joint, 肌腱部分附着在关节窝附近的骨头上,部分附着在关节顶部的唇上. This tendon can get torn where it attaches to the bone, where it attaches to the labrum or at both locations.

SLAP Tear Prevention Tips for Baseball and Softball Players

Girl throwing a softball

无论你的年龄或专业水平如何,拍打性撕裂都可能是严重的伤害. 大多数SLAP撕裂不是在一天内发生的,通常是由肩膀内部的重复性创伤造成的.

Sports medicine specialist John Wilckens, M.D. explains the origin of SLAP tears and what players, parents and coaches can do to prevent this injury.

What is a labrum tear?

唇撕裂有几种形式,很容易混淆这些类型. 因此,与你的医生讨论你到底是什么类型的撕裂是很重要的. 第一种撕裂是唇状骨完全从骨头上撕裂. 这通常与肩部半脱位或脱位的肩部损伤有关. 有时这种类型的撕裂发生时,患者并没有意识到肩膀已经滑出了臼.

第二种类型的唇唇撕裂是在唇唇本身的内部撕裂. 随着时间的推移,唇的边缘可能会磨损,所以边缘不光滑. This type of tearing is quite common and rarely causes symptoms. 随着年龄的增长(40岁以上),常见于肩部。. 有时,当球在关节窝中移动时,唇部可能会有很大的撕裂,唇部的一部分会进入关节,引起咔嗒声和抓球. 这种类型的撕裂是非常罕见的,大多数唇状撕裂不会引起这些症状.

第三种类型的唇状撕裂发生在肱二头肌肌腱附着于眶上端的部位. The socket can be divided into four regions: anterior (front), posterior (back), 上级(靠近头部的上端)或下级(下端), which is toward the elbow).

二头肌肌腱附着在上端,在那里它与唇状肌融合在一起. 唇状组织从那里开始围绕关节,在前后方向上都有. 由于二头肌肌腱附着的这个区域受伤,唇状肌也会受伤. The injury in this area can be mild or it can be severe. 因为损伤通常涉及肱二头肌肌腱和唇状肌, 因为它在窝的上端因为它能影响到唇状附着在肱二头肌附着的前部和后部, the acronym or abbreviation for this injury is a SLAP lesion. 这是指上唇前后的损伤.

这种损伤有几种分级系统或分类系统. 在较轻的损伤中,这个区域的唇部只是部分分离. 在更严重的损伤中,整个唇状骨和肱二头肌肌腱一起被拉断. 最常见的分类将SLAP病变分为四种类型.

How is a diagnosis of a labrum tear made?

Because this cartilage is deep in the shoulder, 通过体格检查来诊断唇撕裂是非常困难的. 有几个测试,医生可以执行,可能表明撕裂的唇, but these tests are not always accurate. 另一个问题是唇状撕裂有上述不同的形式, and certain tests will detect one kind of tear but not another. 有些医生非常自信,他们可以通过身体检查做出唇裂的诊断, but this is controversial. 没有很多科学研究表明,身体检查是可靠的做出诊断唇撕裂. As a result of this uncertainty, 如果有怀疑,可以进行其他研究以确认诊断.

诊断唇裂的最佳方法是 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans or a test called a CT-arthrogram (the latter is a CAT scan 在此之前进行关节造影,将染料注入肩部。. 这两种检查在确定由半脱位或脱位引起的唇盂撕裂方面都相对较好, but they are only around 80 percent to 85 percent accurate. For that reason, 一些医生认为,如果病史和体格检查可以诊断为半脱位或脱位,则不需要进行检查. 这两种测试目前都不能很好地诊断SLAP病变. 该区域非常复杂,很难用MRI可靠地获得该区域的良好图像.

然而,如果MRI确实显示撕裂,那么它经常会出现. 问题是,MRI可能会遗漏较小的撕裂,不能可靠地诊断较大的唇撕裂.

最好的诊断方法是肩关节镜检查. 不幸的是,这是一个手术过程,需要某种形式的麻醉. 做出诊断也需要外科医生的一些经验, 因为肩部内部的解剖结构非常复杂. 阴唇撕裂与症状之间的关系尚不完全清楚, 所以不清楚哪些应该修复,哪些可以不去管.

What is the treatment for labrum tears?

治疗方法取决于唇部撕裂的类型. Tears that are due to instability of the shoulder, either subluxation or dislocations, require that the labrum be reattached to the rim of the socket. This can be done with an incision on the front of the shoulder, 也可以通过关节镜技术通过较小的切口来完成. There are advantages and disadvantages of each approach. 在本机构,我们倾向于在关节镜技术更加完善之前进行切开手术.

如果阴唇磨损,通常不需要治疗,因为它通常不会引起症状. However, if there is a large tear of the labrum, the torn part should either be cut out and trimmed, or it should be repaired. 使用哪种治疗方法取决于撕裂的位置和大小. 这种类型的撕裂需要修复而没有肩部不稳定是罕见的.

二头肌肌腱附件附近的唇唇撕裂(SLAP病变)可能只是修剪或可能需要重新连接到窝的顶部. 最好的方法是关节镜手术,因为通过大切口的开放手术很难到达这个区域. Using the arthroscope and small incisions for other instruments, 唇状骨可以用缝合线或大头针重新连接到窝的边缘.

How is the recovery from labrum surgery?

The recovery depends upon many factors, such as where the tear was located, how severe it was and how good the surgical repair was. 据信,唇状部至少需要4到6周的时间才能重新附着在骨头的边缘, and probably another four to six weeks to get strong. Once the labrum has healed to the rim of the bone, it should see stress very gradually so that it can gather strength. It is important not to reinjure it while it is healing.

手术后允许的手臂运动和加强程度取决于许多因素, 这取决于外科医生,让你知道你的局限性和进步的速度. 因为损伤的可变性和修复的类型, 很难预测一个人在修复后多久能恢复运动和活动. The type of sport also is important, 由于接触性运动有较大的机会损伤唇瓣修复. However, 绝大多数患者在肩唇修复后肩关节功能恢复正常, 大多数患者可以在没有或很少限制的情况下恢复到以前的运动水平.

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